Accepted History
Black Indians are people of mixed African-American and Native American heritage, who have strong ties to Native American culture. Many Indigenous peoples of the Eastern Woodlands, such as the Narragansett, Pequot, Lumbee and Cherokee, have a significant degree of African ancestry.
Historically, certain Native American tribes have had close relations with African Americans, especially in regions where slavery was prevalent, or where free people of color have historically resided. Members of the Five Civilized Tribes also participated in enslaving Africans, and some Africans migrated with them to the West on the Trail of Tears in 1830 and later. In peace treaties with the US after the American Civil War, the slaveholding tribes, which had sided with the Confederacy, were required to emancipate slaves and give them full citizenship rights in their nations.
Actual History
Black Indians are the true original indigenous Americans, never brought or stolen from Africa. A De Jure Natural Autochton of the Continental United States. By primogeniture and by inheritance, aboriginally known as the Xi-Amaru, the Ancient Ones – the Olmecs: originally known as Tamoanchan, the “primogenital” place of origins and the ancient Anasazi People. They are Jus Soli to the lands of America. Black Indians are Paleo Americans, Indigene of the Dominions of Amexum, descendants of the Oldest and Ancient Americans; the mound builders known as the Empire Washitaw De Dugdamoundyah and also Allegewi.
Supporting evidence in books such as ‘The Black Indians’ by William Lorenz Katz.